Lyric discussion by electrogirl94 

You have loved You were not alone (He reciprocates this feeling) You have braved the weather (His lover has braved all what people will say about their relationship) When the storm cut you to the bone ('Storm' being maybe the shunning of people, the disapproval) There was always shelter (Chris is her/his shelter)

My secred friend I'll take you to the river My secred friend We can swim forever (Will take him/her away from the scrutiny and they shall love)


So basically, a relationship that would be deemed as unacceptable (Chris immagined an insestuous relationship).

I feel that im catching a hint of psychopathic love affair in this song... like Imogen heap is his "secret friend" aka... "imaginary friend" and she is asking him in his head to take them to the river and go "swimming" but forever.. Imogen does say "in your skin.. to die a little death" like dying together would be nothing compared to dying alone... the part where she says this time theres no code word it seems like a reference to being at a psychologists when they do the hypnotize thing.. maybe? Or are we all just super dark here? haha...

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