Lyric discussion by manofmanyfrowns 

Anybody know if the consistent use of the "born to die" is in response to Springsteen or just something they came up with themselves? It's used in the first song on the album (A More Perfect Union) as well. I'm guessing it's half and half.

Either way great, great song.

I'd imagine it's half and half. Plus, it fits with the motif of the album being about a breakup - "tramps like us, baby we were born to run" is in a song about getting together with a girl and that feeling you can do whatever you damn well please together, so the "born to die" idea makes sense for a relationship that has ended.

He's a huge Springsteen fan, so I'm pretty sure it's a reference. In fact, he quotes two of his favorites back-to-back in that line from "A More Perfect Union": "I never wanted to change the world; I'm just looking for a new New Jersey" is borrowed from Billy Bragg's line in "A New England": "I don't want to change the world, I'm not looking for a New England, I'm just looking for another girl." And then of course "'cause tramps like us, baby we were born to die."

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