Lyric discussion by charolastra 

What's that you say, Steve – "there's a solution"? What is it, pray tell? Or are you keeping it all to your eagly self?

LOL. This was such a hit waaaaaay back then! It's a great song. A true classic. Gives the listener a feeling that s/he can do anything.

Indeed, what is the solution? Fly around like an eagle? Lovely song in many ways. Sometimes I wonder if Steve Miller speaks English, though, because his lyrics so often don't make sense. I guess the words are just filler for the music. Don't get me wrong, I love humming, whistling, tapping to the beat and singing his songs. I just wish the lyrics made more sense.


Steve presents us with some weighty social problems:

"...the babies / Who don't have enough to eat ... the children with no shoes on their feet ...people livin' in the street"

He then proposes true commitment to the ideals of Social Justice as a way of resolving these endemic socio-economic imbalances.

He will "FLY LIKE AN EAGLE TO THE SEA", carried by his "spirit" and that is how he will confront and resolve these societal inequities in a revolutionary manner.

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