Lyric discussion by ryanalbertjohnomar 

" though hes has been addicted to it all, all the build up inside he just cant take it anymore 'and the only way for him to make everyone are to is to express it the only way he can.' "

Quoting from nellsten. Read this and you will know why all eminem fans have a combined I.Q. of 45. Really? Listen to/support good hip hop. Not this dude. Go get some good music.


don' nid your misclever advizes, we r not stupit =)

before you start calling people stupid you should check your quotes "though hes has" makes you look stupid and to talk about Intellectual artist and not name lupe fiasco( the greatest artist of all time in my opinion) makes you look like a dumb ass. =-)

ryanalbertjohnomar, the definition of "good" is different to every person, there's no set in stone definition of "good".


Example: "There is much good to be found in people"

noun: that which is good or valuable or useful

Example: "Weigh the good against the bad"

noun: benefit

Example: "For your own good"

adjective: appealing to the mind

Example: "Good music"

adjective: agreeable or pleasing

Example: "We all had a good time"

adjective: most suitable or right for a particular purpose

Example: "A good time to plant tomatoes"

adjective: capable of pleasing

Example: "Good looks"

adjective: of moral excellence

Example: "A genuinely good person"

adjective: thorough

Example: "Had a good workout"

adjective: generally admired

Example: "Good taste"

adjective: resulting favorably

Example: "Its a good thing that I wasn't there"

adjective: not left to spoil

Example: "The meat is still good"

adjective: not forged

Example: "A good dollar bill"

adjective: having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

Example: "Good news from the hospital"

adjective: morally admirable

adjective: in excellent physical condition

Example: "Good teeth"

adjective: deserving of esteem and respect

Example: "Ruined the family's good name"

adjective: financially sound

Example: "A good investment"

adjective: superior to the average

Example: "Made good grades"

adjective: promoting or enhancing well-being

Example: "The experience was good for her"

adjective: having the normally expected amount

Example: "Gives good measure"

adjective: having or showing or arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others

adjective: with or in a close or intimate relationship

Example: "A good friend"

adjective: exerting force or influence

Example: "A warranty good for two years"

adjective: tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health

Example: "A good night's sleep"

adjective: having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

Example: "A good mechanic"

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