Lyric discussion by Scoots 

The meaning of the song is fairly simple and easy to figure out, it is about adolescent love. For example: "I never realized what a kiss could be, this could only happen to me." BUT the song beautifully captures the feeling of love and wanting to be loved.

YouTube the song, both the "In the Train" version and the "Concert" versions from "A Hard Day's Night."

In the train version where John single tracks "And when I tell you that I love you...." near the end of the song watch how Dick Lester, the director of the film, brilliantly cuts to Patty Boyd's reaction. Her uncontrolled swoon encapsulates how women felt for John (and the Beatles as a whole).

In the concert version watch as John bounces after singing "this could only happen to me" approx 40 seconds into the song. It was at this point, I believe, women saw the sexiness of John and men saw how cool John and the Beatles really were. Fantastic moment!

Simply put it is a great song and my favorite of the Beatles.

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