Lyric discussion by musoshi 

To me:

This song is sung from the perspective of a man who looks back on his relationship with this person and realizes it's all been a lie and they were never really in love. He also criticizes this person for being away, far too often. This is the last night they will be together, and after that cigarette has been smoked it's done and over with.

I can understand it.

I just broke it off with my fiance of 4 years. We moved to New Orleans and she left me at home all the time while she want to the french quarter "If you go, if you go /Where passion is squandered and money is spent /It's time, it's time" strike me perfectly.

I also have realized I don't think I ever really loved her, and vice versa.

As a "Mutual fate" we both agreed to break it off.

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