Lyric discussion by LexieMac 

A story about unrequited love. Maybe the feelings weren't mutual, or the other person wasn't ready for the intensity of that relationship, or both. For whatever reason, the love-interest couldn't meet her half-way.

It seems like cheating may have been involved ("Who is the betrayer / Who's the killer in the crowd? The one who creeps in corridors / And doesn't make a sound").

She admits to being a drag, being too much for him, even seems to blame herself for her downfall. Whether or not she deserves it, he somehow let her down, but she's unable to let go ("wrapped around your ankles"), & she keeps clinging on b/c she loves him.

I get most of your point, but why is she saying: 'but he never let me down?' If he's trying to get rid of her? The inconsistency isn't in your opinion, but in the lyrics

I think there was a time when he never let her down -- but that was before ("He never let me down / When he held me in his arms"). But at some point, he let her go. I think the inconsistency might just be her reminiscing on a different stage in the relationship, back when he loved her, or was more committed/connected to the relationship.

You're good ^^

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