Lyric discussion by angrypuppy 

Agreed with the people who think the song's a bit egotistical. To me, the song's essentially about the kind of guy who can't or won't commit, maybe had a girl he DID love and it ended badly, so now he takes it out on other women. He just goes around breaking hearts one after another, thinking of it as a kind of game, something to do for fun. Like Dominoes. The kind of guy who's all about the chase -- maybe he even really thinks he likes the latest girl! Until he catches her. As soon as they say those "three words," he's sick of her. "As soon as I love her, it's been too long." Then he's off to conquer another girl. I think the song's about this feeling and this act, which he does trying to make himself feel good, even though it doesn't work.

Reading the previous comment about the interview reinforces my view. I have to say I'm glad the singer doesn't think it's a nice song either.

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