Lyric discussion by RoleMartyrX 

My own relationship just hit a huge rut and it will fall apart due to this rut, so this song is speaking volumes to me as I write this. To me, it is definitely a relationship song. And it has kind of already been said by hcmtnbiker. This guy has tons of problems and his life is falling apart. He is trying to fix it and tells her he is (my words mean nothing...). She, over time, realizes she is better than him. She doesn't care about his problems. She doesn't care what he is trying to do to fix it (drug addiction COULD be one of these unspoken problems though. We can't cast the rolled it up and smoked it line completely) or what he says he feels for her or what she means to him during his darkest hours.

The "I'm sorry for you" line towards the end is simply saying he is sorry that she could completely push him to the side and not care anymore. He accepts he is a loser and no good, as he always did. But he is sorry she went from a person he thought cared for him to a person who totally agrees and thus, leaves him.

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