Lyric discussion by MarxistChavizta 

Hello all, i believe that this song is talking about the excess of individualism and egocentrism of the capitalist system. Modern neoliberal oligarchic capitalist systems cannot function without it. If you think about it, this song is very connected to the song "Subdivisions" by Rush, which is an eulogy against the neoliberal individualist capitalist system and how it turns people into conformist drones.

The ruling class of USA need americans to be atomized, to be antisocials, and to hate each other, in order to prevent a socialist revolution. And this is what Jim Morrison is talking about in this song, in which how in USA, you know your neighbors for 10 years and they dont even say hi to you. But this american way of life (AWOL) is not sustainable because it leads to depression, low self esteem and feelings of inferiority. Besides humans cannot achieve any thing alone. In this world people need teams, organizations, and groups to do any thing. Humans alone are weak, and in community are strong.

So i think that the only solution for this nightmare of individualist antisocial societies is socialism, a system of cooperativism, and a new paradigm in the USA of solidarity where people work in groups, in teams in communities and not alone like Robinson Crusoe.


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