Lyric discussion by sms1888 

this is the most interesting and intriguing lyrics in the album...he said it was about a haunted house but im failing to make the connection. its definitly one of the 'words from a hat' songs...but its got meaning...kid a was the nickname of the sequencer that made the song. i heard they used a sequencer that would randomized notes in a musical fashion and this is what the cpu came up with and they improvised over it. if thats true than i believe it was just a song title that they said oh thats a cool album title. i also heard the story of the pied piper was he was gona be paid by the town gov't to play music to get rid of the rats and he wasnt compensated so he came back to town and played his flute again, this time kidnapping the children...i wonder if thom feels the same way? the govt screwing him over so hes gona use his music to rally the children (or kidnap them, he is very morbid at times)

im just trying to figure out what makes this song brutal and horrible...he sed he used the vocal effect to distance himself from the words due to the b'brutual and horrible' subject he just that disgusted w/ gov't and hes slightly over exaggerating. gov't and crooked politicians (hints of these are scattered throughout the artwork of the album) would fit the lines 'slipped on a little white lie, heads on sticks (puppets) and ventriliquists (politicians or something...and i dont think heads on sticks is violent imagery like others suggest) seems to be about empty politicians and radiohead being the 'piepd piper' who is going to get their revenge on the town/gov't.

standing in the shadows at the end of my clue...cud be BIg Brother watching you? or is this another random hat lyric referring to the haunted the haunted house a metaphor? i just think its more political than anything. it cud also mean that decisions gov't is making effects how we live in our own home, but the people making changes are faceless...they are the ventriliquists...they are the shadows that are hiding within his own home...trying to instill fear...

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