Lyric discussion by Santiagof 

I'll go with Urbancontra here - the search of indivuality within the necessity of others. In the first verse he desires to be himself, to find an identity (bleed in your own light, etc) but at the same time he wishes to be accepted, so hard that he loses self-control and suffers. He misses (lacks) himself, and at the same time he misses (can't be) what he'll never be, i.e. something outside his identity just to please everyone - not that he thinks the others are superior, he just doesn't want to feel alone. Like everyone else, he needs the others.

"I torch my soul to show the world..." That ain't pretty or purifying at all. It's self-destruction and self-denial, faking it only to be recognized, accepted, even if it means you can't be yourself to achieve that. After all, to torch is a pretty extreme verb, right? But deep inside, he wants to stop that. "No more lies".

The second verse is about being rejected, "wearing a mark of scorn to you". This could be making a reference to parents, people at school, friends, lovers - just about any kind of others. The point is, he's rejected, seen as a beast, hence the horns and the mark. It's a deformed image, distorted reality, an image that he (wrongly) sees of himself and thinks that the others see as well. Lack of self-esteem, let's say.

As for the rest of the song, it could simply be a suicide (an escape) or growing over those problems, those "voices inside me". He'll soon find himself alone to be himself, whether by killing himself or by overcoming the whole thing.

Those are my two cents. It's hard not to feel the song talks about you, because it's brilliant. And the music is excellent, like a mantra of distorsion. Hits like a hammer.

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