Lyric discussion by Meshuggahfan616 

I don't want to discourage anyone's opinion on the meaning of this or offend any one who is religious, but I'll attempt to offer an interpretation that is not associated with God. Anyways, I believe that this song is directed towards people who are constantly bitch about how much their life sucks when in all honesty it's not even that bad. I think what Tim Lambesis was going for, was to get people to realize that they're not the only ones who have to deal with the trials of adversity and that there are people with even worse problems. The line that really summarizes the song is in the "I need to know thar feelings of discontent are stronger than indifference, for those to weak to stand." I think what Tim is going for with this, was to get people to ask themselves "Since when are your problems more important than those who know real agony?" So in conclusion, I believe that this song is just telling people to stop pondering over small problems and enjoy your life, because there are people with even worse problems. I'm not saying this is the official meaning, it's just my opinion.

i see your point but thats what i think the song "beyond our suffering" is talking about

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