Lyric discussion by rupptizzle 

This is one of my favorites off of american ghetto!! it reminds me of a friend.

It’s about a kid who is outcast from his community because he doesn't fit in. his parents are kind of eccentric, living in an unfinished shitty house. He acts out and does socially unacceptable stuff because he sees the flaws in the American dream of “guns and gold.” No one can accept who he is or what ideals he stands for. Instead, they keep pushing him down and trying to repress who he is inside, wanting him to get a job in the mine and move on with his life. The song kind of ends on a cliff hanger… how does he deal with it? We know he’s “giving up his place” but we don’t know if he’s running into the woods like Colton Harris-Moore or Christopher McCandless, or if he ends up killing himself to escape.

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