Lyric discussion by thebrain 

The lyrics and flow are directly ripped off from Chili Peppers, so the statement is hardly absurd, it's a fact. I understand that's hip hop, and I'm fine with it. My issue, and remind you I'm a huge Mos fan, is that this song is hypocritical. If you're going to bash some of rock and roll's greats, don't turn around and copy them a few songs later. It's also worth noting that the Stones, Zepplin, Hendrix etc. while being an adaptation of the great music pioneered by the early blues greats, only made the music better. Blues riffs and lyrics were simple, their music was elevated in the years to come. Modern day rock groups are not trying to sound like John Lee, or BB King anymore, they're trying to sound like and improve upon Zep and Hendrix...of course most current rock acts fail miserably at this attempt. Also, the Chili's implement a lot of different styles into their music. they bring funk like stevie and punk like the clash. These facts don't detract from the fact that Mos has no shame in stealing LYRICS and style from a rock group after expressing his distaste with numerous rock artists for doing the same thing.

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