Lyric discussion by grimjack 

Just lots of old meso-american mythological references. The natives didn't fear death or see it as the ultimate punishment or the dreaded fate or the end of all things, that's it party over, world of suck, no. They saw it as just another part of life, funny enough. Just the other side, and all things have an "other" side.

Although the lyrics' meaning could have something to do with soulmates, the video goes even deeper, for a meaning of its own, I think.

I keep thinking Nick and Luke are both supposed to be different sides of the same person. Or they're spiritual travelers or something. When they meet the woman (is this death?), then they use their powers(water is life) transforming the moment into that oasis. Plus dig that cool "gash" across Nick's midsection. This video is so full of imagery and symbols it's my favorite.

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