Lyric discussion by JMo1506 

I know that this might not be everyone's interpretation, but this reminds me of my little brother and I so fucking much that I cry every time I hear it. I'm also planning on dancing to this with my little brother at my wedding some day.

My parents had a very messy divorce when I was 11 and he was 6 years old. They fought, my father was suicidal in front of us and both of them immediately started new relationships with people who hated us. We both suffered sexual abuse from our stepbrother, and plenty of physical and verbal abuse from our parents. As a result, I emotionally raised my brother and at 11 years old, became his mother. We both resent our parents a lot for all of the mistakes they made with us, but we are extremely close because of our experiences.

"And now we're grown up orphans that never Knew their names Don't belong to no one that's a shame"

Us trying to be raised up by two completely different households and parenting styles

"You could hide beside me maybe for a while And I won't tell no one your name"

I will always protect my brother and I will never sell him out. I used to stand up for him against my parents, sometimes taking the hits for him.

"Scars are souvenirs you never lose , the past is never far"

Our past always plays a part in how we treat people we come into, and especially our relationships. Scars are the abuse we still feel repercussions of today.

"Did you lose yourself somewhere out there , did you get to be a star"

Reminds me of how we both are attention-seeking due to the attention we did not receive from our parents

"You grew up way too fast and now there's Nothing to believe And reruns all become our history"

Obviously we grew up fast, and I went from being a Christian to an Atheist in adulthood. The 'reruns' part reminds me of how it seemed like our family fights cycled out and we went through the same dramatics over and over again.

"I think about you all the time But I don't need the same"

Just what it says. I think of my little brother all the time, but I don't expect him to do the same for me. It's my maternal instinct for him coming out.

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