Lyric discussion by Jin91 

The meaning isnt very clear to me, but hell, the imagery sure is. This song is beautiful, like pranav ojha, I love rain.

To me its like a late night, having had a few drinks and you're enjoying the cleansing feeling that the rain causes when it falls down and drips off of you. Within the big city, with the big trains, with the big dampy sewers, with the millions of powerful engines, all resting but with the potential of catastrophe, it's all rain and water, leaks which could turn into floods any moment, and leaks who'll just drip steadily throughout the night. But you don't care, you just enjoy the rain and the rythm of the dripping leaks.

The rain falls down and down, and in the big drops of water you think you can see your hands and face reflected in the water, like you can see your face reflected in a shiny doorknob. The rain keeps pouring down in big drops and while you just stand there looking in the raining sky, the worms awake, crawling up through the earth to see what's up. Some worried people awake and drive their cars away from the flooding river.

You notice how the rain is relentless in its potential destruction, seemingly invisible, always indefatigable in its pouring, unaffected by pleas, prayers and rain dances, indisputable in its actions, as you can only forecast the weather, never control, the rain is undeniable.

You look above in the sky, and see how the rain seems to come from the moon (rain can only be seen with light, of course, and when looking at the moon, all other rain seems too dark too see). And it looks beautiful and you don't know why, but it just is. It looks like as if the moon is falling from the sky, drop by drop.

But the moon is up in the sky, you might feel drops of it, but it'll always stay in the sky, you'll never reach it. Maybe there's a connection between a special someone, that the narrator compares the beautiful moon with someone else, but that's up to your interpretation.

As for me, I'll keep it to a girl, as beautiful as the moon. You can look, but you can't touch, undeniable in its existence but she'll never be yours. You'll enjoy her presence, your relation with her, and you'll just have to do with the platonic relationship you have with her, you won't get anything more, even though you want it.

Anyways my interpretation, hope its any help/fun reading it! Radiohead! <3

Jin over and out.

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