Lyric discussion by blm43 

There's an interview with Milo Cordell on This is what he says about "Dominos": "The chorus was written in the back of a car with Robbie. We were listening to Al Green and we were talking about doing something like his choruses. Then this tiny bit of a song came into my head and I started singing, "Dominoes dominoes," which is really odd. It arrived like visual thing. It's written about that kind of thing in love where you try and replace someone who you've lost. There's this temporary vacuous period between loves. It's about the weakness of man, where we get lost in one night stands. It's very tongue in cheek and a bit crass. It's about the crassness of man, which is both sad and true. Somehow it became a pop song. It's got a really joyous chorus, but is actually quite sadistic. It's not a very pleasant song." (

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