Lyric discussion by MitchDaAzn666 

Can i just say this song means more to me than anyone could understand. This is the first animal collective song i ever heard. Now i am a Huge fan. But my Bestfriend introduced me to this song/ band. I loved it immediately.

The lyrics connected to the relationship i have wih her... perfectly. the whole part about living together made me think of our future together. beside every sweet word said that described her, the part about a "crush" high meant even more. At this time this girrl and i got into snorting preciption drugs. and everytime i listened to this i was spending all my time with her. geting this "crush high", and "touching her hand" but it was all i wanted.

And all of the talk of starting their own family,makes me think of my future and how i cant see it without this girl.

We are closer than anyone could understand, but she doesn't understand how much i love her. She truly is perfect to me in every way.

I only wish she didnt have a boyfriend, and we could be together. Soon as i man up to tell her how i feel.

Man...I feel you.

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