Lyric discussion by CaptainSBDA 

Yes, "Jesus Christ" should be capitalised. Even if you don't believe in God, Jesus Christ is still a name so by laws of grammar it should be capitalised.

The only line that weirded me out was the aforementioned one, which to me seems to be a direct reference to John Lennon's famous quip, "We're [The Beatles] more popular than Jesus Christ." In this context, the lyric means that in a way to cope for the lack of love given to him by the girl in question, the speaker will become famous enough to drown her out.

Same with God and His pronoun. I tried to teach some arrogant man that once, but I'm not sure he listened. He NEVER listens to ANYONE because he's a friggin' CONTROL freak. The sign over his home should read, "I cut my nose to spite my face." As for the song, is he talking about Mother Mary? Sounds as though it's a song about pain and feeling helpless in some way, but I really don't now. Thank you for your capitalization, though. If you're a man, I REALLY thank you. It's nice to meet a literary one who isn't a...

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