Lyric discussion by DarkenRahl 

This song is about fuckin' mad bitches when they're on the rag.

"I feel a bit roughed up, feel a bit frightened Nearly pin it down some time Red sail action wake up in the wrong town Boy, I really get around"

You always feel frightened and roughed up, especially when you feel you've woken up in the wrong town or on the wrong planet which is quite a normal feeling when you wake up next to a woman actin' like a cut snake cause she has the communists up her cooch.

"Thunder ocean Thunder ocean Red sails take me Make me sail along"

A shiela with the painters in is like a thundering ocean and the Red Sails make you want to sail away and face a few months of rough seas and hairy sailor arse rather than deal with the mad bitch boiling your rabbit and throwing your breakfast against the wall cause she's got a bloody rag up her duff.

"Red sails, and a mast so tall"

Aunty Scarlet is in and that means you ain't gettin' your end away. You end up with a mast so tall but no deep fish filled ocean trench to slam it in.

"Do you remember we another person Green and black and red and so scared"

When old love has got the crimson tide she's like some other woman, some green, black and red witch screeching like a scalded cat and scaring you so much you think you're balls will drop off.

"Graffiti on the wall kept us all in tune Bringing us all back home"

Spraying the bloodied contents of your now dead dog against the wall to keep you in line is pretty standard behaviour for a crazy bitch in the throws of her monthly carmine copulations.

"Red sails Thunder ocean Red sails Sailor can't dance like you, ooh, yooou"

Your mate's at sea can't dance like your bunny boiler back home but he's preferable to erratic and demented behaviour when it's that time of the month.

"Ahh, red sail Red sail action Red sail Some reaction"

You're there in the bed, missus bent over and you're ploughing her from behind in the dark when that wet slapping sound takes on a different tone. You turn the lights on and it looks like a murder scene. You freak the fuck out cause the missus has just dropped the red flag and she's bearing her fangs at you and grunting and wheezing like a sick hog. You gotta get outta there quick before the red mist takes full control and you lose your plums to an ill sharpened bread knife.

"Action boy seen living under neon"

Man's escape to the neon sign in the bar where he can escape the crazy bitch back home with the bloody axe wound.

"Struggle with a foreign tongue"

No man can make sense of what a bitch is talking about at the best of times let alone when she's staining the cotton red.

"Red sails make him strong Action make him sail along Life stands still and stares"

Some mad bitch on the rag gives a man the motivation he needs to make him move on and be strong.

"The hinterland, the hinterland We're gonna sail to the hinterland And it's far far, far far far, far far far away Its a far far, far far far fa da da da-da da 1 2 3-4 Ooooooo"

Running to the hinterland is the best course of action when escaping the dragon with the leaky cunt.

You certainly put alot of thought into that... I'm kind of impressed that you stuck with the theme, however grotesque and highly concerning it was...

I really hope that this is exactly what this song is about.....I want to believe in your story so

@DarkenRahl Best interpretation of the song. Hands down.

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