Lyric discussion by jasonveraSC 

Cover art for On Melancholy Hill lyrics by Gorillaz

Yeah, my favorite line, as others have mentioned already, "You can't get what you want, but you can get me." And yeah, I think it's about a guy who is in love with a friend that can't have the guy she wants (I kinda paint in a meaning that she always ends up in bad relations, but that is just cause I totally feel I am in this situation with a friend of mine) so he is just dreaming that she will settle for him; also he truly believes that he could make her happy if she gave him a chance.

Very heart-wrenching song, just because I relate to it very much. And the music itself is great, and Damon is so good at this kind of depressing song; I am a hug Blur fan as well, makes me think of the album "13"

I seriously agree with you. that's my favorite line. & i actually FELT his pain when i heard the acoustic version on BBC.

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