Lyric discussion by littlelifegiver 

I know I need to do more thinking. I get frustrated because I have an obsession with understanding lyrics, and even though I think I understand much of this song, I'm still having a problem tying it together to get an overall feeling or theme.

With what you mentioned, about the love that died in a duel, I also realize I should do more research. I did a bit of reading after your comment and there's some lyrics that I think relate to that man, but it's hard to say considering so much of the song is very clearly referencing the King of Bavaria. His is the only name used and a lot of the scenarios are directly related to him. Obviously there are many that aren't, which is where the idea of other loves (specifically Alexandre Dujarier) come in, but I feel it's not obvious enough to be sure.

And then, of course, Joanna said in an interview (or the article mentioned it without a direct quote? can't remember) that Have One On Me is partly autobiographical, which makes perfect sense, as I doubt a song would be a penned about a completely disconnected story. So some of the more confusing or seemingly-unrelated scenes could easily be fiction or personal to the point where analyzing the lyrics just isn't entirely possible. Which bothers me! I know it shouldn't, but I guess knowing that so much of the song is historical, I have a hard time accepting parts that aren't when attempting to tie together the meaning.

Anyway, I'm going to give it more time. I don't quite understand the song right now, but I really enjoy it, so all's well.

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