Lyric discussion by Baru 

This song directly says to me that this person is conflicted by their own emotions. In context of a relationship, she's saying that this boy pursues her, and she wants to refuse him because she's with another, but at the same time, she feels something for him. Empathy perhaps.

"Maybe I'll let you in" - "My heart's taken, I wont tell you again" But I think she does let him in, despite herself.

"Trying to find an emotion you can not deny" Searching her behavior for love. A desperate attempt to connect them undeniably, as though to prove that they belong together.

"I will not have him treat me this way" could be taken in different ways. I see it meaning, not that he treats her badly, but that she's becoming spoiled by his affections, or feeling more strongly towards him, because of the way he treats her. Again, despite her efforts to refuse, she can't.

The parental blame is saying "It must be your fault that I am the way I am." The reason she's so conflicted, why she's empathetic and why, though she knows she shouldn't, she does feel something towards him. She blames her mother, particularly, for the way her mind works and in turn, blames her father for letting her do that.

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