Lyric discussion by anchored2heart 

this song makes me cry every time i hear it. here's why..

my best friend and i had been dating for awhile then he decided to go into the military. at first everything was great, besides the whole distance thing. he was the person i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. we had everything planned out. and i mean everything. we were going to get married within a year we decided... that was until everything just started to fall apart. bit by bit. and he kept pushing me to marry him. but with everything falling apart as it was i wanted to wait. but he was convinced it'd fix everything, that it'd magically fix everything. but we eventually broke up.

to me this song means that maybe they were best friends and thought getting married was right choice. but as he looks back upon it, maybe it wasn't? maybe you two weren't ready? it's supposed to feel one way.. you're supposed to feel so happy... but you realize you're not. and even as she looks perfect, like every bride is supposed to... he just wants to run away. he feels stuck. lost. like he lost his best friend in maybe a desperate attempt to keep them together (cuz no matter how many times we fought, my fiance said that if we got married it'd fix everything) but it doesn't fix things.

i think that's how i'd feel today if i had agreed to rushing into a marriage that we just weren't ready for. a lot of military marriages are like this. it means so much to me. but still touches that sore spot that still haunts me.

overall, an amazing song. everything i've ever wanted to say... Matt Nathanson sings with such ease excuse my pouring out of my heart :) lol yikes.

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