Lyric discussion by Heen 

Personally, I think this song is about watching friends destroy themselves with drugs - being the outsider.

I dont think its about someone claiming to be suicidal for attention is because:

Mainard isnt a teenager with faggy friends any more, I doubt forementioned attention whores play a part in his life any more.

"Why would I wanna watch you

Disconnect and self-destruct One bullet at a time"

Slowly destroying themselves, so not wannabe suicidal.

The reason I think this is about losing a friend to drugs (Heroin I would say) is that not only has Mainard made reference to it in other songs but:

"You've given in to all these Reckless dark desires"

Sank back into an addiction

"Suicidal imbecile"

"What'll it take to get it through to you precious"

It can very often be extremely hard to talk to someone with an addiction about it. He couldnt have worded it better, you simply cant get through to them.

"Disconnect and self-destruct"

Disconnect and self-destruct... Definitely sounds drug related.

"One bullet at a time"

A shot is a slang measure of a Heroin dose

"What's your rush now, Everyone will have his day to die"

Heroin kills, slowly but surely.




Heroin, and other drugs, can have the effect of making you feel EXTREMELY good.

"Why do you wanna throw it away like this"

"Lying through your teeth again"

Heroin eats through your teeth.

"If you choose to pull the trigger Should your drama prove sincere Do it somewhere far away from here"

If you choose to pull the trigger doesnt necessarily have to mean the trigger of a gun, just like "self destruct one bullet at a time" doesnt mean shoot yourself every couple of minutes. It can just as easily represent the syringe, and pulling the trigger injecting yourself ("Shooting up" is a popular term for taking heroin. Shooting up/pulling the trigger, see the relation?); theres no going back once you've pulled the trigger. "Should your drama prove sincere" could also be the drama AROUND you - the whole getting back into drugs ordeal. "Do it somewhere far away from here" Shoot up elsewhere - as said, he's the outsider, He's "over this" and he doesnt want to "watch you".

So yeah, I think this song is all about Heroin.

My thoughts EXACTLY! Word for word, props to you for writing it out. I am way too lazy.

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