Lyric discussion by sgtpepper001 

I think this song can be interpreted in more than one way, which is the beauty of John Lennon music. Most people know that John Lennon (at least in his earlier years) was an advocate for drugs like marijuana, magic mushrooms, and LSD. And to an audience of people who have taken psychedelics like LSD and shrooms (like me) the lyrics may seem to allude to the feelings you get from an "enlightening" experience one can have while on these drugs. For instance the lyric, "When our time has come/ We will be as one" can be seen as meaning that after death our spirits will be one again and that we are all infact the same entity devided into human bodies while on this planet. I have no doubt in my mind that John Lennon, with the number of times he experimented with psychedelics, had the same enlightening experience as me, especially since he was reading "The Psychedelic Experience" by Timothy Leary, which is all about life after death and taking psychedelics to see "the truth". This could seem like over-interpretaion but I think John was suggesting that even after all those years since his first enlightening experience, he hasnt forgotten it and still believes it.....I'm not insane, lol, I just like psychedelics.

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