Lyric discussion by louisvillebandman 

Cover art for Keep The Customer Satisfied lyrics by Simon and Garfunkel

Uh, folks, I'm 99.99% certain that all of you have missed the meaning of "Keep the Customer Satisfied."

As with many songs of the day, they were very politically centered. Think of the opening lyrics: "If you came along, I know you couldn't disagree." A reference to time served in 'Nam, and the horrors of that war.

'Nam vets were spat upon, cursed at, and all because they had to answer their draft card number. Hence, "Everywhere I go, I get slandered, libeled," and as he's cursed at when finally back home in the US, he hears "words [he] never heard in the Bible."

As for the steps, the "shoe shine" would be the sheriff, and he's close to the county line, because he's been ridden out of town. Just think of John Rambo in First Blood, and it's a perfect fit!

@louisvillebandman: Could very well be, although the traveling salesman/con man/drug dealer suggestions on this thread also fit very well. The 'Nam vet interpretation is poignant and original.