Lyric discussion by MrPinkEyez 

definatly not about robert giving a man oral sex. it's another drug induce dream. mostly of the psychedelic kind. that's the way acid is. one second you know what you're doing the next second you are in a situation that you have no idea how you arrived at that point. you can't even speak, your heart is racing and words come out of your mouth but they don't make sence to you. it's like theree is somone else in him speaking on his behalf. i don't think he woke up persay, he just came to the realization that he was in a situation that he didn't understand. the beatles are great at this. during "a day i the life" paul says "someone spoke and i fell into a dream" lsd is like that. one second everything is normal next second all hell is breaking lose. sounds like a good trip though

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