Lyric discussion by jkdeadite 

This song is about Joanna Newsom's birth and the religious implications it has/had on her life and the life of her mother. It also talks about her return to her roots from the fame she's received.

"i found a little plot of land in the Garden of Eden"

She took her place in the world - her mother's womb. She "tilled it" with her very own, and no one could take that place from her.

"the whole place had just cleared right out it was hotter'n hell, so i lay me by the spring for a spell, as naked as a trout"

In the womb, it was "hotter'n hell" - thus she was born "as naked as a trout".

"the wandering eye that i have caught is as hot as a wandering sun but i will want for nothing more in my garden; start again"

The "wandering eye" could be the fame, or where she's gotten since leaving the "Garden of Eden". It's time to "start again".

"we are gonna have ourselves a time we are gonna have a garden party it's on me no siree, it's my dime"

I assume she's talking about giving back, in my opinion, to her mother, who put up with a lot in the process. Perhaps she also means to the people who have helped her get to where she is.

"we broke our hearts in the war between St. George and the dragon,"

This is a story about St. George saving the princess from the dragon - the result is that the city in the story converted from paganism to Christianity. Read about it here:

"but both in equal parts are welcome to come along i'm inviting everyone"

No matter what side people are on (believing that innocence is lost with making love OR the lack of such belief), Joanna is accepting.

"tell me, what is meant by sittin' alone in a garden"

Again, getting out of the spotlight. After all, she's succeeded in this (for the most part) for over two years...

"a garden, seceded from the Union in the year of '81?"

Joanna Newsom was born in January, 1982, meaning that she would have been conceived in 1981. At that time, her mother "seceded" her innocence by no longer being a virgin (assuming Joanna was a first-born). I assume she was the first child, but either way, this is the only tie I can make to 1981, and it's a rather personal one at that.

"the unending amends you made are enough for one life; be done"

Enough beating yourself up about it...

"i believe, regardless i believe in everyone "

She places a belief on the human being, not the belief within.

That's what I think, at least. Regardless, this is a gorgeous song. I preordered the 3xLP the day it opened, and I will never regret that $25.

im sorry but if you purchase joanna's album, you will see that in the lyrics for '81 in the line, "seceded, from the union in the the year of....." even though it sounds like '81, its actually "seceded, from the union in the year of A.D.1"

i thought it was '81 until i bought the album too

also it not "what is meant by sitting alone" it is "what is meant by sin or none" and that makes more sense than "sitting alone" anyway

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