Lyric discussion by WhiteGhost 

I clearly saw the Jeckle and Hyde shit and I also agree its about faults and betrayal, but I think its also about how fast innocence can be lost and how willing innocent people are to just fuck their lives over and embrace being wicked because every one else is wicked, but every one is wicked because its a wicked world and vice versa. So it's like an ongoing cycle of innocence lost and betraying those you cared abotu so that you can be like every one else instead of being the innocent lamb that can get hurt easily, you become the demon hurting the lambs, because you once were a lamb yourself and never again want to be hurt. Meanwhile, you hurt yourself because of the wicked things you start to embrace and you hurt the ones you come in contact around you that you recognize and alsoyou betray people you have no clue about. It asks the question, if some one had a vile of magic liquid that made you super bad, super sexual, super cunning, and destructive, would you do it? Obviously no one is going to choose the vile that turns you into the nicest person in the world and you can save tons of people, because if you choose that, you can become exploited and hurt, so if you are doing the hurting, it's better, but you only further the destruction of the world.

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