Lyric discussion by xenostim 

no it might be about adulterated ecstacy pills but I think in actuality the song has to do with amphetamines, meth, ritalin, or any form of strong CNS stimulation without psychedelic or too pronounced empathogenic effect. I bet a lot would disagree but it really can cause a huge increase in the feeling of control over ones life and overall confidence. I think these drugs only give positive effects like this to some and they are also a hard drug to get into, as in respect fully. many are only anxious when they take it and some don't even feel it. but to some people, particularly very emotional people(as in they have a wide range and aren't that in control of them)-not emo fans lol, these people are usually bipolar or depressed and see it as an escape and a way to normalize one's feelings, and these types of people often make music as well. plus, amphetamines and paranoia are linked with a steel chain. but then again so are e-pills with speed in them ;P

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