Lyric discussion by tailgunner 

This song is brilliant. It's this sad song about a mutual breakup. So many good lines in it.

"They say love is blind / I don't think you're blind" Implying that he doesn't think she loves him anymore

"And I don't want to shake your father's hand" Something you'd associate with becoming part of her family

I also find the whole "race to the bottom of a glass" part incredibly sad, mostly because it's mixed with that really upbeat, almost happy-sounding tempo...

I like how they use "narrow your eyes", too. Not 100% on what it means, but when I think of narrowing your eyes I think of suspicion, or dislike, or resentment. So he's telling her to narrow her eyes at his lies, and he narrows his eyes when he thinks of things she's told him...

Ahh, too much awesome as usual, TMBG.

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