Lyric discussion by 0108283 

My interpretation of it is that the song is about the demise about a relationship but it was brought about by extrinsic factors which should not have affected the relationship. The lyric "We were killing them" shows the strength of feeling - an all consuming passionate romance, which others could not tolerate for whatever reason. "for me and you to go out blazing" signifies Rihanna's mind set that she is determined to try, despite others' objections, and endure the consequences - for the sake of the potential rapture. To me, I believe it could be about a young love. Two teenagers told they're being silly, his parents more assertive and denying him the right to see his love. This song is her pleading to him to try. "Gunfire" being the continual sniping of their parents; "left a hole in the tank" means their parents got to them and eventually the love which was there seemed to ebb away.

Awesome song. Should be releaesed as a single.

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