Lyric discussion by mcrlovesbjork 

Cover art for An Echo, A Stain lyrics by Björk

It kind of reminds me of death in a way.

She touched My arm And smiled One of these days Soon Very soon Love you 'til then Love you 'til then (like Death is always waiting behind you, so close but never fully making contact until it's your time to go. the whole "love you 'till then" is just watching you grow up and live your life until she finally takes your soul and never sees you again. And death seems like it's being personified as a woman.)

Feel my breath On your neck And your heart Will race (this could be sexual of course, being Bjork and all or it could mean the intimacy of death when it's finally time to die. You're afraid at first, hence the heart racing when you feel death's cold breath on you.) Don't say no to me You can't say no to me I won't see you Denied (you'll fight death and say, basically "no, I don't wanna" but you can't avoid her, therefore you shouldn't even bother saying no. "I won't see you denied" is basically saying that everyone will die eventually and you are no exception.) I'm sorry you saw that I'm sorry he did it An echo A stain A stain (maybe the person in the song is being murdered and saw it. Death apologizes to the victim for how he/she died, but says basically that it won't matter soon. It echos because it's the hugest thing in that person's mind as it's happening but when the deed is done, it's only a memory. A stain.) I can't say no to you I can't say no to you Say nothing (Death is saying nothing else to the person. She's basically saying that she can't deny the person this fate, even though she feels some sort of remorse. Therefore, she says nothing.) Free falling (the whirling, confusing feeling of the soul leaving the body to wherever the afterlife will take him/her) Complete (the soul is gone.)