Lyric discussion by hpman247 

This song speaks the story of my life. I like the ‘idea’ of everything that is beautiful in life. Even that of which I haven’t experienced like true ‘requited’ love. The idea of everything; that ‘taste’ that keeps you coming back for more.

This song tells the story beautifully of the opportunity that one has in front of him. You’ve experienced this taste all throughout your life, and you have this craving for it. The feeling that it provides is a complete high. And not like a high on drugs, this is a sober kind of high. High on life, high on hope, high on the future. Yet, at the same time, since you’ve experienced this before, and obviously let the taste slip, part of you wonders if it’s a good idea to step foot back onto that train. If you really want to fuel that craving, that desire, that idea? Its hurt you in the past, is it really worth it this time? Or is it simply that you didn’t allow yourself to feel it for so long, that the craving has just become overwhelming and you simply have to let feel it again.

As the song starts, you could let yourself slip back into those old ways. The comforting days where you simply let yourself go, your feelings and emotions at the peak of fruition. And you may have your ‘wildest dreams come true’, or maybe have your heart broken once again. You simply do not know how it’s going to ‘wind up in the end.’ You may find the love of your life, maybe a friend, or maybe alienate both possibilities.

The taste drives you crazy. You can’t think rationally. What if this person’s opinion of you changes the longer you know them? It gets to a point that you’re not the person they thought you were and they leave. Or maybe, it’s the opposite, where barring all conflicts and impossibilities, the love reigns true and all is happily ever after. You can ‘win or lose it all’, while the question remains ‘which way to fall.’ This is the tricky question. It encompasses quite a lot. Do you take the chance to fuel your craving, to slip back into your old ways? Do you take the chance on having your heart broken once again or do you go for it head first? Do you accept the possibility of only friendship, or do you require more? Do you take the chance to alienate the possibility of friends or more? There are an immense number of ways in which to ‘fall’ making the decision that much more complicated.

And at the end of the day I feel this song leaves a hope in waiting. It’s all about a ‘person’ not a possession, an act, or something of that nature. It’s a song about love, and how to deal with all the obstacles that hinder us from finding it: our inner struggles, distance, peer pressure, trust issues and the like. It speaks to all of those things, but ultimately says that your person holds you in place. So if you let yourself slip in the beginning, at least there is a hope that you will find what you’re looking for, no matter how confusing and stressful it is.

The song ends on a “I don’t know which way to fall.” Which for me, and many is the story of our lives. What do you do? It doesn’t end on an especially hopeful note, but leaves the opportunity to ponder what to do. To weigh the risk and the reward. To decide if the obstacles you may face are worth the eventual payoff. And for true love, for love requited, I’d say it’s worth a shot.

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