Lyric discussion by PWall19 

Congrats dude...trying to say something? I suggest you elaborate rather than quoting shit. You see religion? Really? You have seen god? You have spoke to him? Yeah ok. By the way, how is the search for proving god exists? How about I put it simply: Mythology is gone yes? That was a widespread religion. Now it is gone because it is outdated, just as Christianity and other religions will be soon. Religion is created by humans for varying differences. Some say it's for the morals it teaches and others use it because they fear the unknown. Think about death my friend, death without this overly gorgeous golden perfect heaven. That scares the shit out of you, so you make yourself believe this falsified after-death scenario where all is perfect and that calms you. I guarantee religion helps you live your life because it explains things that happen, "I am doing this because god told me so," you fear living your own life. Notice how I explained what I was trying to say, makes more sense doesn't it? I could just do this, "Religion is a crutch for weak people to lean on" and just end it there. Nope, I explain it, something religion can't do (explain things realistically)

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