Lyric discussion by CyberBOS 

What this song means to me is this. I actually started listening to APP while I was going through this, and it hit home pretty hard. So I'm not sure if this is what he was writing about, but it's was clear to me. While out of town on business I met a girl at my clients office, she worked there and was engaged to the owners' son. We fell in love and kept our relationship going even after I left. When this was going on, the owners started hearing things and asking questions about it "And if it hurts when they mention my name" it was killing her I know. She tried to stay, but she ended up breaking it off...but continued to work there. "And if it helps when they say I'm to blame. Say you don't own me." Eventually she did leave and we tried to make it work, but sadly it ended. I hope she's happy where ever she is.

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