Lyric discussion by FritzT 

First of all I want to start by saying to everyone-Please stop putting drugs into all of your explanations. I realy don't think that The Beatles spent most of their days stuck in a drug filled haze. It is pretty hard to fully function when you are perpetually stoned. I grew up in the 60's and became a teen in the early 70's and I went throught that phaze of my own life. If you want the truth watch the movie "Imagine". John explained that the song was inspired by Bob Dylan who told John to write nonsence lyrics because people, like you, will almost always interperate it wrong. It was a goof. It doesn't mean anything. It is a bunch of nonsence sentences that were put together. It was meant to mess with your minds and as I can see it worked. Now here is some thing that is totaly true about this song. It was the last number one song recorded by the Beatles as a band. This is a known fact. The whole Abbey Road album was the Beatles allowing Sir George Martin to once again do his studio magic. Before that John had told Martin "We don't want any of that studio crap any more, we want to just record it straight as we play it". This is what was said before they did the Let It Be tapes. Martin would not produce them anymore if he couldn't work his studio magic and the band realized that they need him to do his thing. Trust me I am one of the biggest Beatle fans here. If you want drug fueled stuff check out the "Rubber Soul" album. They did this right after Bob Dylan turned them on to pot. This and "Revolver" And yes it was Dylan who smoked the first joints with them and Dylan that exposed them to weed. Peace.

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