Lyric discussion by FritzT 

I heard that it was about Apple Corps and how the company was hemoraging money. At one point the company was giving tons of money to various groups for different reasons. They were trying to help out other bands and also trying to divest their assets. One story tells that when checking their books that they had discovered that they had paid for a few busses and didn't know where they went. They had so much money that a whole lot of people were bilking them out of millions, but they had so much that it didn't realy matter because they had plenty. I don't know how true that is but I do believe that it was someone close to them had said this. It might have been Neil Aspinal. I don't remember. "If you want it here it is come and get it" is Pauls way of saying "What the hell, take some money, everyone else is. Peace.

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