Lyric discussion by mloma 

I agree with all above, except for these two lines:

"She had a place in his life" I think this is from her point of view. At one time long ago, she wanted to be with him and have a place in his life. This is also saying he never made the comittment to her.

"He never made her think twice" , and probably took her for granted. She eventually moved on,and he never gave her reason to think twice about leaving him, she felt there was no hope.

As time went by, the guy meets her again and thinks she will return, but he has never come to terms with the fact that she has moved on, and for him, it is better to believe they will someday get together, than to admit and realize there is nothing at all.

What a great song and lyrics.. I like the fact that the song can carry so many different meanings.

@mloma agree. very wise!

@mloma This is how I see it as well.

@mloma - I disagree. These lines are about the man, specifically how the man felt long ago when they were together but also in how he would accommodate her in the future if she were to come back to him. "She had a place in his life" means he wanted her to be a part of his life, he saw a future together that she didn't want or take. "He never made her think twice" means he didn't waver or hedge he was fully committed to her. It was she who didn't care about the relationship....

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