Lyric discussion by Christa426 

"And out in the dark The world is still rolling Kids in their cars Cigarette smoking And all that they are Just reeks with the sweetest belief"

This is my favorite part. The lines and the way he sings them just make me see a picture of kids who want to believe so desperately in this naive, optimistic view of the world; that they really can make it and that anything is possible, but in a rebellious sort of way. Like, they've been bruised and broken, but they're still ready to fight for what they love and who they love. I don't know if that fits into the rest of the song, but I just always picture that.

I don't know who you are, but everything you said i feel exactly the same way and I am so glad you said it and it is so beautiful and i picture the same thing everytime with the same emotions.

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