Lyric discussion by UNsweetT 

I think this song is so simple and yet haunting. It being about the death of someone really comes thru. I was with my mother when she passed away. It was early morning and it was just me and my Dad alone with her. She had been ill a while and we knew the end was near. That feeling of a life slipping away and it's just so very quiet. Just utter silence. There's a moment of shocked stillness when your mind is momentarily grasping the knowledge which really seems portrayed in this song...and then that build up of emotion in the song and Matt's definitely mirrors the emotions that do swell when someone you care about has died. It's just an overwhelming surge of emotions. I do agree there is double meaning in the title of Con-Science. The word "conscience" which would imply guilt. Which you feel when someone you care about dies...guilt that if you'd have urged them to go to the dr. sooner, take care of themselves more diligently, etc. It's the "I should have done more" feeling which certainly fits these lyrics. And then the "Con+Science" Maybe Con could mean "against" as in "against science". But it could also mean Con as in "Cheat"? As in the word "Con-Artist". If you could cheat the laws of science...maybe you could cheat death?? I don't know....I'm grasping. But that's what came to my mind.

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