Lyric discussion by TheBlueBlur 

Alright people, Let set the record straight(I hope). This song, is NOT pro drugs/marijuana, but it is not entirely anit-drug/marijuana either. If your a true Offspring fan, you'll know what I'm talking about. In the song, it explains the bad part about pot, totally, 100%. (Not clearly) But if you really listen, it's also saying that if you are gonna smoke, be a smart stoner. NOT a stupid stoner. The 'stupid stoner' is like everyone here explained, the stoners that only live their life off pot, everyday, morning and night and nothing else, retarded and stupid, like that's their life. The smart stoner, at least in my words, are those who smoke pot, but don't let it control their lives, they still read books, go to school, have out with friends and such and such. I smoke pot but I didn't let it control my life. I'm about to graduate actually(not that any of you care, anyway).

If you want me to support my statement. Here's some support.

-The line 'Losing out might be okay all night/life'. The 'might be okay' stood out to me the most because like I said, The Smart/Stupid stoner theory, depending which direction your going, it 'MIGHT' be okay all night or all life.

-I'm sure your all aware of the MOTA music video(Yes, there is music video for this song you so called 'Offspring fans') If you watch during intro drum parts of the video, it shows in fast flipping a variety of people that smoke pot. It shows many different people, from mothers, doctors, old people, young people, ect. Thus, saying that EVERYONE SMOKES POT.

-Most importantly, at the end of the Music Video, it's live footage of the band finishing the song, and after the song was over, it shows in full glory the (old)drummer Ron Welty grabbing a joint from a roadie or someone backstage. Totally gets handed to him and he takes a hit. Thus kind of telling you something there.

I bet you a million dollars some of you are going straight to Youtube after this . . .

I rest my case.


lol, I went straight to youtube :P haven't seen that vid before. Very cool!

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