Lyric discussion by kirara982 

Cover art for So Wrong lyrics by Atreyu

My favorite off the new album!

I definitely made a connection with this song, it makes me think about my boyfriend who I've been apart from for almost two years now, but he was my first love..

I don't know if I heard wrong or if the lyrics on the site are wrong, but I heard it a little bit differently..

I can't help but to go back to it (like think back to the relationship) A flame still burns at the back of it (there's still a passion when I think about him) And although there is a lack of it (there isn't a relationship anymore) I won't forget how You make me feel alive But nothing last forever Yet, something deep inside It takes me home again (But still whenever I think about it it feels like I'm back home, like everything is wonderful and lovely again)

Just my take :D

Side note: Saw these guys in Chicago Friday night, freaking spectacular live music!