Lyric discussion by brown sugar please 

Another interpretation of "lotus" is the ancient egyptian meaning. I read that the lotus flower closes at night and sinks underwater. It then actually re-blooms every morning (similar to morning glories?). It was known as a symbol of rebirth. This kind of fits with "Just a minute while I reinvent myself," one of srdkna's theories on nine: "a new way of life or thinking," and the line "let's do it all this time." It's like they messed something up, but they don't regret it because they're going to do it right this time around. Obviously this could relate to drugs or whatever.

I agree to your understanding of the meaning "lotus." It actually represents a a flower the grows and is beautiful even in murky waters. Sort of like a diamond in the rough. Also, the lyrics refer to the astrological connections in regards to the laws of light. If you look up the "golden dawn" and texts related to Aleister Crowley and you look up esoteric knowledge in reference to "the laws of light" which has to do with magic, you will come to see that these gentleman are making reference to the stories that have been told for thousands of...

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