Lyric discussion by Dumbdumb 

Cover art for Africa lyrics by Toto

I don't think this song is about a girl at all. I think this song is about starting over and returning to nature and human origins... Look here... notice that he does not say "she's coming in on a 12:30 flight"... He says "she's coming in, 12:30 flight" I think "she" is the plane.

This song is about self cleansing and starting over. The rains in africa are washing away his present life. He wants to get away from the modern world and technology and politics and return to the place of human origins, Africa, which throughout history was also known as an undiscovered place. He wants to leave all the bullshit in his life and find the meaning.

This is my theory... I think it is more interesting than a love story. Also if this song is a love song then the whole Africa motif is really stupid and irrelevant... Who in their right mind would write a love song and try to incorporate a safari or a tourist trip into the lyrics...That doesn't make sense.

Great interpretation...

@Dumbdumb I like your interpretation. I've traveled in six continents in many countries, and saw it as an expansion and enhancement of my identity and life. When I moved half way thru my life to the place I wanted to be, though, it was still in the United States. Still it was a life reboot, a starting over, and had been successful (there was a girl later on, and now I'm an old retired grandpa!).

Anyway, what strikes me about this song is that it brings up the mystical, esoteric side of life, like a religious kind of experience to...

@Dumbdumb Great interpretation, I think you're dead on. Although I think the "she" could also be Africa itself (She's coming in --> coming into view, almost there). A few more things that support it:


  • The lyrics interchange "it's waiting there for you," and "she's waiting there for you." "It's" would be a little strange if he was talking about a woman.

  • The lyrics interchange "it's waiting there for you," and "she's waiting there for you." "It's" would be a little strange if he was talking about a woman.


  • "I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become" --> basically the theme you articulated.

  • "I seek to cure what's deep inside, frightened of this thing that I've become" --> basically the theme you articulated.

    "solitary company" --> he wants to be...

  • "solitary company" --> he wants to be alone, but with nature. Wouldn't make sense in a relationship.

    Wondering about two lines: