Lyric discussion by flotschi 

hey im new here, 24, im from austria and i got a question for the native speakers: a hard rain was the first song i ever heard from bob dylan, after years of loving this special song i want to do something with it: a retro photo project for homeles peaple. the thing is: my english is not the best so i would thank everyone who could explain me why - its a hard rainS A gonna fall ??? please help me out, i know the meaning, but i cant do a project not knowing the gramar...... thanx for helping me out!

Hello! Bob Dylan often would use contractions like that in his songs, I guess to shorten the line of the song or to make it easier to sing. If it were written correctly, it would be, "It is a hard rain that is going to fall". The word "rain" is very rarely pluralized with an apostrophe and an 'S' like it is here, even when it is being used as a verb. It was in this sentence though to replace the word "is" to simply it.

@flotschi Hi A hard rain means a destructive consequence will happen.

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