Lyric discussion by acphenom 

In brief, it seems to be a put-down of the 'Free Love' concept that the hippies of the 60's promoted and practised. I think the song is saying that either the idea itself is flawed or the term and the way it promoted is, because it tends to result in unwanted pregnancies.

Or it could just be a put-down on people who cheat, thus causing break-ups of couples and leaving the mother to rely on welfare to help raise the child.

I don't care too much for either meaning though, being a Hippy at Heart myself! :p

Glad you understood it because I was very confused. Love the artist, but this song is not one of his best. Too many assumptions made about 'welfare mothers'....lumping them altogether. Decades ago there were many negative assumptions made about divorcees...until the numbers skyrocked, and some of those being cruel found themselves divorced....

I came here looking for some insight. My take is that he's being 'ironic' by claiming Welfare Mothers make better lovers. He's making a statement about preconceptions perhaps. Pointing out that conquences of "free love' are babies....

Your analysis is spot on. It's a classic example of what you could call "wry social commentary". In the 70s, I don't think it was hip to point out the down-sides of "Free Love" and Freedom in general. Didn't matter to Neil, though, and fit in well with the punk movement that was questioning the dogma of the "revolution" at that time.

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